This year we managed to enter 28 articles at the Royal Show in Pietermaritsburg ( a record for us), 6 articles being entered by Mary Coaker in the Senior Open) section.We had so many articles to choose from, thanks also to our faithful “Monday Ladies” from Underberg, who come regularly on Mondays to teach our Residents their special skills. However due to the show’s rules,we could only choose 3 articles per Division/Class.

The quality of everyone’s work, including the ones not entered, is very high. So to those whose articles received mentions, as well as to those whose articles were not entered, Well done, and keep trying.

I am looking forward to seeing what you produce for 2018!!!

By Mrs Jill Rawlins



Mary Coaker :     Special Prize, 1 X 1st Prize, 1 X 2nd Prize, 1 X Highly Commended and 1 X Commended.

Michelle Botha:  Special Prize. ( Won R265.00 worth of wool from Wool & Habby, Pietermaritsburg)

Gloria Brown, Moira Gray and Claudette Scullard:  1st Prizes

Alison Pattle, Jonathan De Bruin, Janet Stobart and Cheryl Crichton, Michelle Botha : 2nd Prizes

Janet Stobart, Moira Gray, Tracey Greig, Cheryl Chrichton, Ashleigh Harborth, Michelle Botha: 3rd Prizes

Irene Barton, Ashleigh Harborth, Di Botha, Maurice McDonald, Greig Evert, Lindiwe Mthembu, Jillian Breedt: Highly Commended

Bongi Jilli: Commended

The picture painted is that of a year well spent, allowing the creative talents hidden in these special people to manifest. Weldone to each and everyone of them.

Bongi Jili and Di Botha are all smiles as they show off their work.
Bongi Jili and Di Botha are all smiles as they show off their work.

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