On Wednesday 11 April 2011, we said our tearful goodbyes to Jackie Dittberner. Mrs D, as she is affectionately known by Pevensey Residents, left Pevensey to retire after almost 16 years of excellent service to this special institution. Years during which she served with utmost distinction.

We all gathered in the main dining hall where a special lunch was served. Gracing the occasion was Chris and Lel Mattson, and Mark Dittberner, Jackie’s son who had traveled from Pretoria. Diane Bohmer said Grace, after which Mr Niemand spoke fittingly about how Jackie was going to be missed by all associated with Pevensey, labeling her as the best secretary he has ever worked with. Taking time to mention that he will miss being nagged by her, over phone calls needing to be made, or e mails that needed to be replied, one could see through the words how well they worked well together as a team.

Jackie gave almost 16 years of her life to Pevensey Place, and it was evident that residents, and staff members were finding it difficult to accept reality. So brave faces were put on as presents from staff, management committee and from residents were handed to Jackie. It was never going to be possible to sum 16 wonderful years of service in a few minutes, but a picture was painted of a place that will never forget the full impact and dedication that was shown by Mrs D over the years. Chris Mattsson had nothing but kind words for Jackie, and this was so surprising, given that Chris had never uttered a kind word in his life. Cresentia also thanked Mrs D, on behalf of all assistant staff members.

Pevensey Place will never forget Jackie, and fond memories linger. They will continue to do so for years to come. You earned your retirement Jackie. May God be with you.

The Director of Pevensey, Mr Jan Niemand saying his farewell to Jackie
The Director of Pevensey, Mr Jan Niemand saying his farewell to Jackie

Jackie and her son, Mark, look at presents from the residents.
Jackie and her son, Mark, look at presents from the residents.








Chris Matsson hands over a lovely clock to Jackie.
Chris Mattsson hands over a lovely clock to Jackie.


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